How to Identify the Right Diet for Your Patients

For Practitioners | On Demand Video

As natural health practitioners, the diet choices for our clients have always revolved around gluten-free, dairy-free, salicylate-free free and the like. However, I don’t believe these diets are necessarily the first choice anymore.

Patients are presenting with more complicated chronic conditions which necessitates a different dietary approach.

Here are some of the best bits we covered:

Which diet should you start a patient on?
What conditions would predispose to singular oxalate and/or histamine-low diets?
Tools to identify oxalate vs. histamine vs. lectin diets.
Which resources are the most reliable and provide ease of use for patients?
How long should a patient be on these diets?
What level of oxalates should you be aiming for to reduce numbers?
How do you know when someone is reducing the levels too quickly?


How to identify the right diet for your patients